Advanced Placement Program
The Advanced Placement Program (AP) allows students to participate in college-level curricula and take college-level exams while in high school. AP courses give access to in-depth and accelerated learning at the college level. They differ from non-AP classes concerning the kind of textbook, the range and depth of topics covered, and the amount of time and effort required of the student. 38 courses are offered worldwide by nearly 14,000 high schools.
Students considering one or more AP classes should ensure they have met the prerequisites for the AP class they are interested in and complete any applicable summer assignments. To ensure that students have ample time to attempt the rigorous curriculum found in AP classes without having to worry about Withdraw/Fail (W/F) penalties, AP students may request level changes for AP drops/level changes until the 19th school day of the semester. After that, only students with extenuating circumstances, e.g., hospitalization, long-term illness, etc., may change an AP class without the W/F penalty on their transcript and calculated in their GPA.
Rampart AP students are strongly encouraged to take College Board’s AP Examination on a national test day in May. Depending on the scores students earn, they may be granted college credit, advanced placement in a college class, or both. To learn more about a college’s policies regarding AP credits, consult the college’s Director of Admissions, catalog, or website.
All AP examinations contain both multiple-choice and free-response (essay) questions. Most of the examinations will take approximately three hours, and they must be taken on the day determined by College Board. Every examination receives an overall grade on a 5-point scale: 5 = Extremely Well Qualified; 4 = Well Qualified; 3 = Qualified; 2 = Possibly Qualified; and 1 = No recommendation.
In keeping with D20 Board policy concerning courses with weighted grades, any student who does not take the AP exam will be given an appropriate alternative assessment determined by the teacher to be equal in rigor and challenge. Students wishing to enroll in AP courses at Rampart intend to take the AP exams in May.
Each AP exam costs approximately $105 (annually set by College Board and may be subject to increases which may not be reflected by the time this page is published). There is financial assistance available upon qualification. Students will register for their exams during the fall semester, and payment is collected through Infinite Campus or the Rampart bookkeeping office. Students have until November 1st to opt out of taking the exam and must notify the AP Coordinator beforehand.
For questions, exam registration and payment information, email AP Coordinator Trisha Anthony, or call (719) 234-8421.
More information about the Advanced Placement courses and the College Board program can be found by visiting the College Board website.
Course Offerings
For more information about the AP courses offered at Rampart, please see the course guide.
Advanced Placement Courses
Studio Art 2D
Studio Art 3D
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Environmental Science
Physics 1
Physics C
European History
US History
US Government and Politics
Human Geography
French Language
Spanish Language
Spanish Language 2
Chinese Language and Culture
Chinese Language and Culture 2