Requirements for Graduation
In order to graduate, students in Academy District 20 must:
Earn 50 credits
Demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and communicating as outlined in Academy District 20 Administrative Policies IKF and IKF-R.
Demonstrate proficiency in math as outlined in Academy District 20 Administrative Policies IKF and IKF-R.
How Proficiency Can Be Demonstrated
As established by The Colorado Department of Education (CDE), students may demonstrate proficiency by:
attaining a CDE defined minimum score on an approved assessment,
obtaining an industry certificate as part of an approved Academy District 20 program,
earning a C- or higher in an approved reading, writing, and communicating or math concurrent enrollment course, or
obtaining a passing score on a capstone project.
All four of these options are available to students. Students must demonstrate proficiency in both reading, writing, communicating and math and may do so in one or more of the four options above.
Graduation Requirements Checklist
Your school may have a Graduation Requirements document or checklist that allows parents and students to easily keep track of graduation requirements. This document may contain:
Specifics about the types of credits required for graduation
Minimum scores for demonstrating proficiency on approved assessments
Approved AP exams for demonstrating proficiency in reading, writing, communicating as well as math
Approved industry certifications for demonstrating proficiency in reading, writing, communicating as well as math
Contact your school's counseling department if you need additional information.
Other Graduation Requirements Topics
Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Exams
Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams are taken at the end of the associated course. For a list of the approved courses and exams, please contact the student’s school.
Concurrent Enrollment Programs
Based on their Individual & Career Academic Plan (ICAP), college-ready high school students may need to take classes that are not available in Academy District 20. Students must meet eligibility requirements as set by the district and state in order to take classes at our affiliated post-secondary institutions. Approved English and math courses taken through concurrent enrollment may satisfy the reading, writing, communicating and math proficiency requirements for graduation. For more information about concurrent enrollment policies and procedures, students should see their high school College & Career Counselor.
Industry Certifications for Demonstrating Proficiency
Students who earn an industry certification as part of an approved Career and Technical Education program may demonstrate proficiency in Reading, Writing, and Communicating and math.
Capstone Projects
Students may demonstrate proficiency by obtaining a passing score on a capstone project approved for math and/or reading, writing, and communicating that aligns with their Individual Career and Academic Plan. Capstone projects will be done in conjunction with a course taken during high school. A capstone project is a culminating academic project.
Individual Career and Academic Plan
Each student in grades 6-12 maintains an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). The ICAP sets a course of study and establishes a meaningful postsecondary plan for each student based on completion of all requirements for graduation from Academy District 20 schools.
Progress Toward Meeting Graduation Requirements
Students and parents will be notified during the fall of the senior year if students have not yet met the proficiency requirements for reading, writing, communicating and math. Students and parents will also be informed if students are not on track for the credit requirement.
Students and parents/guardians are able to keep informed on student progress toward graduation credit requirements and meeting reading, writing, communicating and math requirements through their own view of the Academic Planner that is available in the Parent Portal. School administrators and counselors consistently track this data and communicate with students and families regarding student progress on meeting graduation requirements.
Proficiency Requirements
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has established four options for meeting the math and Reading, Writing, and Communicating proficiency requirements. Academy District 20 Administrative Policy IKF reflects the four options. Individual schools may not create options outside of state requirements and district policy.