A variety of support options
We are open to all students, all day, every period, including both lunch periods.
We support you in multiple ways, including (but not limited to):
Small group tutoring
Homework support
Test preparation
Test corrections
You will receive support from:
Math Teachers
Trained Student Tutors
Trained Community Volunteers
Our approach focuses upon:
Math reasoning and processing
Critical thinking and communicating mathematically
Reducing confusion and clarifying misconceptions
Improving test-taking strategies
Remediating skills as needed
Building confidnece, independence and a growth mindset
If you ever need help in math, no matter what class or ability, we are here to help!
Math Access Center during eLearning:
If you've utilized the MAC during the school day, or if you're struggling with an online math class, we would like to invite you to join the virtual MAC Lab for math assistance as we continue learning outside of the building. To join:
Log in to Schoology
Click Courses (on the top toolbar)
Click My Courses (on the top right)
Click Join Course (button to the right)
Enter code: 9DZR-M6X2-9N8JJ
Courses can be found in your list of courses. Please join the course for information on hours and other specifics.